General Services



All patients are consulted by appointment only.  

"Routine" Appointments:
We provide 10-minute appointment slots.  We continue to provide all initial clinical GP appointments via Telephone or Video consultation.    Further details re appointment times can be found by clicking here.  Should a Face-2-Face appointment be required this will be arranged by the clinician at the time of initial contact.

"Emergency" Appointments:
We provide a limited number of 5-minute appointment slots which are made available first thing each morning for urgent/emergency issues that cannot wait for a normal routine appointment and must be actioned that day. These are allocated on a first come - first served basis.  As these are for emergency issues only these appointments will be allocated strictly in time order - it will not be possible to negotiate regarding timing and/or which doctor you are allocated.

Please try to telephone before 10:00am with any emergency appointment requests.

Home Visit

Home Visits

Home visits are only intended for those who are too ill to come to the surgery and cannot be managed by telephone or video consultation.  If an examination is required then you would be encouraged to attend the surgery for this to be undertaken if possible. If you do not have a car, you should arrange a lift from a relative or friend or take a taxi.  There are few, if any, illnesses which can be made worse by a short car journey.

If a visit is medically necessary, we will be pleased to arrange this.  If you require a home visit please contact the receptionist. Please give the receptionist details so that the doctor can assess the urgency of the call.

Please try to telephone before 10:00am with house call requests.
Please note that the visiting doctor may not be your usual doctor. 

Medical Emergencies Icon

Medical Emergencies

In life-threatening emergencies, such as severe bleeding, collapse, unconsciousness or severe chest pain, telephone "999" for an ambulance.

Out of Hours Icon

Out of Hours

To obtain medical advice when the surgery is closed, please contact NHS 24 by calling either the normal surgery number or 111.  A receptionist in the NHS24 call centre will answer your call and triage the response required.

They will either:

1) Arrange for you to speak to a doctor or nurse
2) Invite you to attend the centre to be seen by the doctor.
3) Arrange a home visit if you are too ill to visit the centre.

Out of hours cover is the responsibility of NHS Grampian.  Further advice and information can also be obtained from NHS24, whom you can call direct on 111 or visit online at

Please note that out of hours cover is not a "walk-in service". You must call NHS 24 for advice first.

Telephone Enquiries icon

Telephone Enquiries

Telephone enquiries are dealt with between 11:00am and 5:00pm, when our lines are less busy.  Our receptionists will be able to advise you when best to call if you wish to speak to a doctor and they can give certain laboratory results and other information over the telephone. Please remember that they may have to ask questions to establish your identity; assess the best course of action for your problem; or obtain details to pass on to the doctor. Such questions are meant to help you and are not designed to be obstructive or intrusive.  In order to ensure patient confidentiality our staff will not give results or information to anyone other than the patient.

Repeat prescription icon

Regular (Repeat) Prescriptions

If you are taking regular drugs, these may be obtained in a number of ways.  Please order in plenty of time, and allow us three working days from receipt of your order until you pick the prescription.  You may order your medication as follows:

By Post: The right hand side of your last prescription gives details of your current drugs. Tick the items you require and post the slip to us. If you enclose a stamped address envelope we will post your new prescription back to you. Otherwise, you may collect it two working days after receipt of the request.

In Person: Leave your request in the box alongside the reception desk. Use either the right-hand side of your last prescription, or the request slips beside the box. Our receptionists will be pleased to help you if you have any problems.

Via On-Line Services: Register for our online services including repeat prescription request and appointment booking.  For more information see here.

By Telephone: The prescription request lines (click here for details) are open 24 hours a day.  Before making your call please ensure you have the following information to give our answer machine: Your NAME, your DATE OF BIRTH, your TELEPHONE NUMBER, and the ITEMS YOU REQUIRE.  We cannot accept prescription requests on our normal lines which must be kept clear for appointment requests and emergency calls.

Via your Local Pharmacy: Some local pharmacies provide an ordering and collection service.  This can often be done using the new initiative called the Medicines: Care and Review Service (MCR). Further details can be obtained from your local pharmacy. 


Medical Sickness Certificates ("Lines")

You are responsible for self certification for the first SEVEN DAYS of any illness (including Sundays).  If you have been ill for 7 days or less you do NOT need to see a Doctor. You can complete a Self Certification form yourself. 

Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have its own form your can download a Self Certification Form (PDF) via the link below. Please print it, fill it in and hand it in to your employer. You do not need to see a Doctor.

However some employers insist on a Doctor’s note for illnesses lasting less than 7 days. A Doctors note under these circumstances involves a charge of £30. 

For illnesses lasting greater than 7 days and for other certificates, our doctors are legally obliged to assess the patient before they sign one of these. For extension certificates, please ensure that you contact the practice in good time before the existing one runs out.  Assessment can be be achieved using our eConsult service using the "administration" link.

Full information on "Fit Notes" can be found here.

Employed - Click HERE for SC2 form

#UPDATE MARCH 2020# - If you need a sick note due to coronavirus, don’t contact your GP or NHS 24. You can download an isolation note directly from NHS Inform here.  


526-528 King Street,                     
Aberdeen. AB24 5RS

Jesmond Drive,
Aberdeen. AB22 8UR

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